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Cosmos is Arvind Sundar’s exploration of the cusp/liminal space where geometry, mathematics, and mythology converge, where present intersects with the past. This exhibition, catalysed by residency at Hampi Art labs, marks a profound shift in the artist's practice from painting to three-dimensional works along with a newly added dimesnion of divinity- an apparent impact of sacred terrain of Hampi.


Arvind fuses mathematical precision with sacred myths and philosophy to hint at that which is incomprehensible to the intellect – the mystifying complexity of the universe which forced Stephen Hawking to contradict Einstein and admit that ‘God does play dice’.


Through his arrangements, the artist places the order of cosmos into the service of eternity, revealing infinity through finiteness and introduces viewers to earthy and engineered materials. Here materiality plays both tangible and intangible roles: it is both, a form and an idea which suggests, as intended. The artist wants viewers to go beyond apparent form and think about the substratum. What underlies this bewildering but ephemeral multiplicity of the world? Enquiry into this question is more an inward contemplation than an outward; an essential step towards establishing harmony between inner and outer world, which has been an age-old quest of Indian Art and Arvind takes it forward in a daring and innovative departure.


Text by Sandesh Awdan for my solo show at Anupa Mehta Contemporary Art

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